Friday, September 12, 2008

First Blog Ever.

So I decided to start blogging...why I am not sure...I live a relatively boring life down here is Scottsdale, Arizona. My life pretty much consists of school and nothing else! In fact today I spent nearly 12 hours at school. I am sure anyone who reads this will get to hear all about cooking and food more than they ever wanted to but since that is my will just have to deal!
Take today for example....I just finished my first week in my Meat Fabrication and Saucier class. I was lucky enough (or unlucky enough) to get to spend my first week on the Meat Fab station...I have cut up so many chickens, pork legs and beef cuts...I don't think I will ever eat meat again! I also have done so many fish filets...I can't get rid of the smell. I wash my hands a hundred times and the fish smell remains. I didn't mind smelling like bread or whipping cream when I was in baking but fish is another story. I smell awful and keep thinking I need to wash my hands although I think I might have some of the most clean hands on the planet right now. It is just awful. It is sufficient to say that Meat Fabrication is not while I decided to go into culinary arts!
On a more positive note...I got to watch a chocolate demonstration today and I am pretty sure that I want chocolate making, sculpting and everything chocolate to be in my future job description. It was amazing to watch and to taste! Chocolate is good! If they can but combine desserts and chocolates into a would be perfect! The chocolate was beautiful and I can't wait until I hit advanced pastries and showpieces as school to try my hand in chocolate! Yah for chocolate and its wonderful characteristics other than its flavor!

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