Monday, February 22, 2010

Pork Belly...a Gift from the Gods.

Last week at work we had a pork salad special. It was divine. Braised pork belly, then fried (so it became darn good bacon) with brussel sprouts. It was garnished with carrot, lemon and lime picklins (also delicious), celery ribbons and wishbone scallions. It was beautiful and tasty. This got me thinking. Who doesn't like bacon? and What doesn't seem better with bacon on it? We use bacon a lot in the restaurant. It goes in our pasta, we serve it at breakfast, and we make salads from it just to name a few. I was taught in school a warm bacon dressing and now bacon is even crossing the line into desserts.

I've been obsessed with my thoughts of bacon lately. I don't eat it much despite being what appears to be surrounded by it but once I eat one slice it's like I have a sick addiction. I end up eating at least five or six pieces. I then feel so guilty for devouring it with such pleasure. I quickly vow to never it do it again and then yet two days lately I am devouring it again. Addiction. Yet, I ask myself does not half of America share in my addiction?

A few examples to illustrate my point.

Example 1:
A few days ago some lady who works across the street from the restaurant called. It was breakfast time and since starting breakfast just 4 days ago our numbers aren't well let's just say aren't as high as we would like. We were all hard at work prepping for the day when our printers started humming. An order came through for 2 sides of bacon. That's it. The whole order consisted of 6 slices of bacon. I was in awe. I mean I know sometimes I slip at breakfast and eat 6 slices when things are a bit slow...but I have never actually gone to a place and order just bacon. This lady was coming from across the street for bacon. I was awestruck. Someone else shared my addiction.

Example 2:
I googled things to with bacon recently. I just wanted to see how creative people were. The first hit I got was 1001 things to do with bacon. Now there are many 101 things to do with whatever but 1001 with bacon. I was amazed. Not only that there is over 1000 different things to do with bacon besides just cooking it up and eating it, but that somebody has taken the time to try 1001 different things with bacon. I wonder what their cholesterol is like? Have they needed open-heart surgery yet? I know that the first time I try things new they don't always work out. Normally by try 3 their great... How many times did this person have to make these 1001 things? My addiction may be but a small problem. I felt better after reading that article.

The roots of the story is this. Whoever discovered that eating the abs of pigs were good deserves a medal, and a million thanks not to mention the worlds' riches. We are truly a nation addicted to many things-pork belly being one of them. It is a sad truth. Next time you are whipping something up ask yourself...Would this be better with bacon? The answer might surprise you.

Pork Belly...truly a gift.


Amanda said...

Hahah! This is funny Meg. Glad you are enjoying yourself!

Nicole said...

Oink :)